A photo blog of all the things that are beautiful in my life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Addicted to over priced coffee

Admittedly this picture was not taken by me.  I stole it from the Starbucks web page.  I went shopping at Giant Eagle this morning and got myself a venti Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino.  I took a picture of my big beautiful tasty drink but sadly my phone has malfunctioned deleting most of the pictures stored on it, including the one for today's post.  Luckily I had just uploaded all of them to my desktop computer just a few days ago.  Anyways, back to the drink.  I love when October rolls around because it starts the series of my favorite over priced coffee drinks.  First is the Pumpkin Spice Latte *drool* and then the Peppermint Mocha and Egg Nog Frappuccino.  Man I love those things.  I knew they contained a ton of calories however when I looked up the picture I was happy to find that my venti delight was only 400 calories and not the elevendy bajillion I had anticipated.  Really the whole point of today's picture was to say that these drinks make me happy.  I shopped gleefully sipping (ok practically chugging) my chocolate minty delight.  Even though my picture featuring Giant Eagle's new carts complete with CUP HOLDERS (best idea ever) didn't make it to you, the message is still the same.  Even if it's pricey, little splurges here and there are totally worth it! Because remember kids, Rule #32: Enjoy the little things.

 And also thanks to my mom and dad who bought Bob and I each a Starbucks gift card for Christmas.

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